Microsoft Programmer's Library
Microsoft Programmer's Library (CD-ROM Database)(125-099-008)(Version 1.1a)(CDRM 162100)(1989).iso
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Assembly Source File
345 lines
title DUMP -- Display File Contents
page 55,132
; Displays the binary contents of a file in hex and ASCII on the
; standard output device.
; Assemble with: C> masm dump.asm;
; Link with: C> link dump,,,os2,dump
; Usage is: C> dump pathname.ext [>destination]
; Copyright (C) 1988 Ray Duncan
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
blank equ 20h ; ASCII space code
blksize equ 16 ; size of input file records
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
stderr equ 2 ; standard error handle
extrn DosOpen:far
extrn DosRead:far
extrn DosWrite:far
extrn DosClose:far
extrn DosExit:far
extrn argc:near ; returns argument count
extrn argv:near ; returns argument pointer
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
fname db 64 dup (0) ; name of input file
fhandle dw 0 ; input file handle
faction dw 0 ; action from DosOpen
fptr dw 0 ; relative file address
rlen dw 0 ; actual number of bytes
; read by DosRead
wlen dw 0 ; actual number of bytes
; written by DosWrite
output db 'nnnn',blank,blank ; output format area
outputa db 16 dup ('nn',blank)
db blank
outputb db 16 dup (blank),cr,lf
output_len equ $-output
hdg db cr,lf
db 7 dup (blank)
db '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '
db '8 9 A B C D E F',cr,lf
hdg_len equ $-hdg
fbuff db blksize dup (?) ; data from file
msg1 db cr,lf
db 'dump: file not found'
db cr,lf
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db cr,lf
db 'dump: missing filename'
db cr,lf
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db cr,lf
db 'dump: empty file'
db cr,lf
msg3_len equ $-msg3
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
dump proc far ; entry point from OS/2
push ds ; make DGROUP addressable
pop es ; via ES
call argc ; is filename present
cmp ax,2 ; in command tail?
je dump1 ; yes, proceed
mov dx,offset msg2 ; missing or illegal filespec,
mov cx,msg2_len
jmp dump9 ; display error message and exit
dump1: ; copy filename from command
; tail to local buffer
mov ax,1 ; get pointer to command tail
call argv ; argument in ES:BX
mov cx,ax ; CX = filename length
mov di,offset fname ; DS:DI = local buffer
dump2: mov al,es:[bx] ; copy filename byte by byte
mov [di],al
inc bx
inc di
loop dump2
push ds ; restore ES = DGROUP
pop es
dump4: ; try to open file...
push ds ; address of filename
push offset fname
push ds ; receives file handle
push offset fhandle
push ds
push offset faction ; receives DosOpen action
push 0 ; file size (ignored)
push 0
push 0 ; file attribute (ignored)
push 1 ; OpenFlag:
; fail if file doesn't exist
push 40h ; OpenMode: deny-none,
; deny-none, access = read-only
push 0 ; reserved DWORD 0
push 0
call DosOpen ; transfer to OS/2
or ax,ax ; was open successful?
jz dump5 ; yes, proceed
mov dx,offset msg1 ; open failed, display
mov cx,msg1_len ; error message and exit
jmp dump9
dump5: call rdblk ; initialize file buffer
cmp rlen,0 ; anything read?
jne dump6 ; jump, got some data
cmp fptr,0 ; no data, was this first read?
jne dump8 ; no, end of file reached
mov dx,offset msg3 ; empty file, print error
mov cx,msg3_len ; message and exit
jmp dump9
dump6: test fptr,07fh ; time for a heading?
jnz dump7 ; no, jump
; write heading...
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of heading
push offset hdg
push hdg_len ; length of heading
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset wlen
call DosWrite
dump7: call cnvblk ; convert one block of
; binary data to ASCII
; write formatted output...
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of output
push offset output
push output_len ; length of output
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset wlen
call DosWrite
jmp dump5 ; get more data
dump8: ; end of file reached...
push fhandle ; close input file
call DosClose ; transfer to OS/2
; final exit to OS/2...
push 1 ; terminate all threads
push 0 ; return code = 0 (success)
call DosExit ; transfer to OS/2
dump9: ; print error message on
; standard error device
push stderr
push ds ; address of message
push dx
push cx ; length of message
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
; final exit to OS/2...
push 1 ; terminate all threads
push 1 ; return code = 1 (error)
call DosExit ; transfer to OS/2
dump endp
; RDBLK: Read block of data from input file
; Call with: nothing
; Returns: AX = error code (0 = no error)
; Uses: nothing
rdblk proc near
push fhandle ; input file handle
push ds ; buffer address
push offset fbuff
push blksize ; buffer length
push ds ; receives bytes read
push offset rlen
call DosRead ; transfer to OS/2
ret ; back to caller
rdblk endp
; CNVBLK: Format one binary record for output
; Call with: nothing
; Returns: nothing
; Uses: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI
cnvblk proc near
mov di,offset output ; clear output format
mov cx,output_len-2 ; area to blanks
mov al,blank
rep stosb
mov di,offset output ; convert current file
mov ax,fptr ; offset to ASCII
call wtoa
xor bx,bx ; point to start of data
cb1: mov al,[fbuff+bx] ; get next byte of data
; from input file
lea di,[bx+outputb] ; calculate output address
; for ASCII equivalent
mov byte ptr [di],'.' ; if control character,
cmp al,blank ; substitute a period
jb cb2 ; jump, not alphanumeric
cmp al,7eh
ja cb2 ; jump, not alphanumeric
mov [di],al ; store ASCII character
cb2: ; now convert byte to hex
mov di,bx ; calculate output address
imul di,di,3 ; (position*3) + base address
add di,offset outputa
call btoa ; convert data byte to hex
inc bx ; advance through record
cmp bx,rlen ; entire buffer converted?
jne cb1 ; no, get another byte
add fptr,blksize ; update file offset
ret ; back to caller
cnvblk endp
; WTOA: Convert word to hex ASCII
; Call with: AX = data to convert
; ES:DI = storage address
; Returns: nothing
; Uses: AX, CL, DI
wtoa proc near
push ax ; save original value
mov al,ah
call btoa ; convert upper byte
pop ax ; restore original value
call btoa ; convert lower byte
ret ; back to caller
wtoa endp
; BTOA: Convert byte to hex ASCII
; Call with: AL = data to convert
; ES:DI = storage address
; Returns: nothing
; Uses: AX, CL, DI
btoa proc near
sub ah,ah ; clear upper byte
mov cl,16 ; divide by 16
div cl
call ascii ; convert quotient
stosb ; store ASCII character
mov al,ah
call ascii ; convert remainder
stosb ; store ASCII character
ret ; back to caller
btoa endp
; ASCII: Convert nibble to hex ASCII
; Call with: AL = data to convert in low 4 bits
; Returns: AL = ASCII character
; Uses: nothing
ascii proc near
add al,'0' ; add base ASCII value
cmp al,'9' ; is it in range 0-9?
jle ascii2 ; jump if it is
add al,'A'-'9'-1 ; no, adjust for range A-F
ascii2: ret ; return ASCII character in AL
ascii endp
_TEXT ends
end dump